The breakneck speeds and tension-filled races feel like none other in RiMS, with accessible controls and beautiful graphics.
Author: Thorne Stone
Black Book review
The gloom of Black Book’s Slavic countryside is overshadowed only by the darkness hiding in plain sight.
Blightbound Review
Blightbound is a gory fantasy dungeon crawler full of 3 player co-op carnage where you and your friends will cut down hordes of enemies.
Cris Tales Review
Cris Tales is an intense turn-based RPG with dazzling visuals, tough combat and a charming, if flawed story that transcends time.
Ashes of Creation Preview Alpha Impressions
Ashes of Creation is an upcoming MMORPG, originally funded through Kickstarter, that’s poised to take the genre by storm.
Nacon Connect Highlights: Robocop, Lord of the Rings: Gollum, new website and more
Whether they are fans of racing, sport, roguelikes, action-adventure or simulators, Nacon Connect 2021 puts gamers first with an unprecedented lineup of titles.