Fans of Marvel vs. Capcom 2 know the unmistakable sense of elation that comes with any utterance of the phrase “I wanna take you for a ride.”
Year: 2021
The Top 5: Delisted Games
Delisted games are no longer available to purchase online. If you had the game previous to its delisting then you’re still able to download and play it.
Nioh 2- Complete Edition Review
Nioh 2 – Complete Edition includes all three DLC expansions for fast paced, addictive swordplay for potentially hundreds of hours.
Pokémon Direct Round-Up: The Future of Pokémon
This morning gave us a Pokémon direct like no other with details about New Pokémon Snap and the announcement of two new games
Blizzconline Round-Up: Nostalgia and Game Feel
Blizzcon went online this year to touch base on future titles with a focus on game feel and nostalgia. Here’s everything you need to know!
Mobile Game growth continues, EA promises new mobile experiences.
Games on phones and tablets are leveling up, despite their sordid past and AAA publishers see big opportunity for big change.